Cesar Millan, host of the hit
National Geographic Channel show, will have your mutt minding you in no time
The terms "dog whisperer"
and "pet psychologist" may
conjure images of an heiress fretting because her Yorkie isn't enjoying her
foie gras. But Cesar Milan is no joke. He's a 35-year-old Mexican immigrant who
crossed the border 14 years ago and worked his way up from groomer to host of
his own TV show, The Dog Whisperer,
on the National Geographic Channel. At work in his South Central L.A.
"office"—a concrete lot—Milan rules over a seething array of pit bulls, rottweilers, and German shepherds.
Some are canine delinquents that belong to clients; others are so violent they
were sent here for one last try at rehab before being put to sleep. You notice
the animals' scars and missing limbs. Crap. This is serious, you think. The
dogs block your path and probe your crotch. Then Milan steps in: "Put your
hands down and walk straight ahead." You obey, and the pack melts away.
"They left you alone because you belong to me now," he says,
grinning. Okay, Cesar, teach us some new tricks.
On Being Leader of Your Pack
Dogs are a pack-oriented species, so they require everyone to be either
dominant or submissive. If you do not establish yourself as dominant over your
dog, he will assume the role. This can lead to problems: He may become tense,
overprotective, or possessive when people come near you, he may become
territorial about your home or suffer from separation anxiety when you go out;
he may become hyperactive. These things happen because you're not in control
and he's not taking his cues from you.
Many people are submissive to their dogs without realizing it. For example,
it's much easier to let your dog run out the door in front of you so you can
close the door and lock it. But in the dog world, the pack leader always goes
through narrow openings first. Another common mistake is feeding your dog
before you eat so he'll stay away from your dinner. Again, this signals that
he's dominant. Pack leaders always eat first. Does your dog bring you toys and
wait for you to throw them? Does he lean against you and "demand" to
be petted? These are all clues that your dog has assumed the dominant position.
This might sound scary, but most of the time it can be fixed easily. You see,
most dogs don't care if they're number one or number two. In fact, the pack
leader has a lot more stress and responsibility. To assume control, make sure
you always eat first and decide when petting and playing begin and end. Be
consistent and benevolent in your leadership and you'll be on your way to
top-dog status.
On How to Have a Happy Dog
A dog's two primary needs are exercise and a dominant pack leader. Provide
those and you'll never need me. Most dogs spend 22 hours a day inside. This
makes them agitated, tense, and difficult to work with. So before you do
anything else, make sure your dog exercises for a minimum of 45 minutes daily.
I take my dogs out to the mountains every morning at 5 and we run. Then, later,
when we do the serious work of rehabilitation, they're in the perfect
calm/submissive state.
On the Key to Walking a Dog
Make absolutely sure you are leading the walk. Dogs follow the pack leader.
When you walk your dog, he can be beside you or behind you, but not in front of
you. In particular, his eyes have to be able to follow your movements. This
signals to him that he's submissive because he has to watch you for stops,
changes of pace, and turns. The pack leader never says, "Stop!" He
just stops. Visual cues are critical. If your dog goes ahead or pulls at the
leash, react quickly. Shorten the leash and walk fast, then keep just a little
tension to guide him. After a while, you'll feel that you're in "the
zone"—in fact, if you drop the leash, your dog will simply follow you.
On Meeting a New Dog
When you meet a new dog, especially one that may be dangerous, you must project
calm assertiveness. A lot of people who meet a new dog want to go over to him,
touch him, and talk to him. In the language of dogs, this is very aggressive
and confusing. Instead, wait for the dog to come over and smell you and check
you out. While he does this, act like you're ignoring him. Don't make eye
contact. Once he analyzes and evaluates you, he'll tell you how he feels about
you. He may back away, or he may indicate that he wants to do more than just
smell you. Either way, wait for his signal before touching him, talking to him,
or making eye contact. If you avoid these things until he gives you a sign,
you'll make him feel at peace with you.
On Owners Who Love Too Much
Simply loving your dog doesn't make you a good dog owner, and showering your
pet with nonstop affection is a common mistake. Many of my clients see their
dogs as their children or their soul mates. This is unhealthy. Dogs need three
things: exercise, discipline, and affection, in that order. In the dog world,
there's no affection. The pack leader doesn't lead a hunt, then turn around and
say, "Hey! Great job! Let's go to Petco!" Make your dog work for your
affection. Before you pet him, make him come to you or sit for you. Don't go
over and pet him out of the blue. That's a submissive behavior coming from
someone who's supposed to be dominant, and it can be confusing.
On Communicating Like a Dog
Never discipline your dog when you're angry. In the natural world, a pack
leader is always calm and assertive, or the others won't follow. This is why,
when you see people in the dog park screaming their heads off, the dogs won't
respond. This doesn't mean you shouldn't use your voice to get the dog's
attention. When I want a dog to come to me, I say, "Hey!" but not in
an angry way. If I said it angrily, I would be undermining my position of
authority. If the dog doesn't listen, I move closer to him instead of yelling
louder. Dogs communicate through touch, eye contact, and energy. A pack leader
can bring a misbehaving dog in line with a stare. Many people can't do this,
though, so the leash is a good tool. Of course, you have to use it properly.
Correcting by pulling back on the leash is bad. Instead, pull it to the side.
When you pull back, the dog resists you. When you pull to the side, you
unbalance him and break him out of his undesirable cycle. Think about fighting
another guy. If you pull him backward, he'll resist and want to fight more. If
you push him to the side, he'll look at you and say, "Why'd you push
me?" His cycle is broken.
On Truly Understanding Your Dog
Homeless people have the best dogs. They're always moving around and exposing
their dogs to different environments. Instinctively, dogs like to migrate, so
these dogs are stimulated and happy. Farmers, hunters, and disabled people who
rely on their dogs also have this dynamic. In each of these cases, the dog is
given a job to do, completes it, and then is rewarded. These four groups of
people have happier, healthier dogs than any lawyer, architect, or movie star.
"Domesticated" means dogs won't hunt for food, but it doesn't mean
they won't work for it. It's natural for them to work. If you have a dog that
pulls on the leash, try putting a backpack on him and letting him carry water.
You'll see his head go up with pride because he has a job.
On Raising a Pack of Kids
The things I've learned from dogs, I could never learn from people. My dogs
taught me to be a father. For example, dogs enjoy affection, but that's not
what they need first. It's the same with kids: They need exercise and
discipline first. Exercise is a wonderful thing—it helps you think clearly.
Watch Nanny 911 or any of those
shows—kids who get nothing but affection are impossible to deal with. My wife
does this with our kids. She gives them nothing but affection, affection,
affection, and they won't listen to anything she says. It takes them forever to
obey her. What they really need is to run around the block and then do their
homework. Just like with dogs, if you don't take a dominant position over your
kids, they'll take a dominant position over you.
On Training
Your dog needs exercise, discipline, and affection, in that order. Anything
else will confuse him. So the best gift you can give your dog is a long walk.
Then, when you get home, assume the dominant position. If you don't, your dog
will. Even if you don't feel calm, project it. Dogs don't respond well to
nervous or angry commands; they just become anxious themselves. Lastly, never
pet a dog when he's being aggressive. It teaches him that he's being good.